
Get your project started today with a free landscaping consultation

Projects Consultation are free of charge for residential and commercial within the OKC Metro area. Consultations fee outside the OKC metro area Starting At $75.

What to expect from a landscaping consultation

Landscaping consultations are very important. In a way, They set up your entire project. Your consultation allows us to open lines of communication with you, To better understand your vision, wants, and needs. Here’s why?

We discuss design Ideas

Asking the right question about your yard and personal preference will start you off in the right path to the landscape of your dreams. Here are few, We will look to discover answers to questions such as:

  • What does your yard look like now and How do you want to use it?

  • Do you have any water or soil issues?

  • What is your vision and goals for this space in the future?

  • What kind of style do you want?

It is important to discuss this ideas during your initial consultation so we can achieve the results your’e looking for.

Surveying the outdoor space

The initial visit allows your landscape designer to get a good look at the space and surrounding are they’ll be working with. this is perhaps the most important part of the consultation. the scope of your yard and surrounding area essentially determines what can and cant be done in terms of landscaping and hardscaping.

Estimate And Deliverables

Creating a budget beforehand will make this simpler. If the estimate is above your budget we can discuss financing option.

Consultation - Design - Construction